Thursday, May 27, 2010


So, yes, I know it's been FOREVER since I've blogged. It's long overdue and because it would take me FOREVER to recap all that's happened in the last few months, I'll simply share a semi-short update of both kids with you. Enjoy!


Pic #1 Alexa outside lovin' the kiddie pool. She loved every minute of being silly and getting wet - even though the water was really freezing!!

Pic #2 Ballerina. Here she is all dressed up and ready to get her picture taken for dance. Have you ever seen a ballerina cuter than this? I didn't think so ;o)

Pic #3 Alexa and I attended a "Fancy Nancy" party at the library. She dressed herself up in anything and everything she could find to "accessorize" her outfit. Please notice the "sleeping goggles" she has on her head!

Pic #4 Here we are with Alexa's sweet, precious, new baby cousin, Elyse Taylor Besch. She is adorable and, as you can see, loved by us very much!! Alexa is very tender with her and loves to "help" take care of her. Good thing she and her family live close to us now, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Doug wouldn't know what to do without Alexa's expertise :o)

Pic #5 Alexa just being Alexa.


Pic #1 Grant on his birthday morning - he's 2 now!!!!!! He's such a delight to be around. He had no clue what this birthday business was about but decided to humor us by smiling and clapping after we would sing "Happy Birthday" to him all day long. :o)

Pic #2 In the back yard on a recent sweltering day in Iowa. The water from the hose was so cold that he would fake cry whenever he got himself wet. Next time I'll have to remember to fill those things up in the morning so they can get warm for our afternoon swim time - duh!

Pic #3 Grant with his new haircut. He loves to get into Duchess' kennel so here he is all caged up.

Pic #4 Ahhhhh... Finally sleeping in the big boy bed!!!! I think this picture was taken the middle of April so he's been a "big boy" for a few weeks now. I can't believe how smooth the transition went. Now, on to potty training... (in a few months, maybe?!)

Pic #5 Grant just being Grant.


Here is Grant posing for me. I love this picture because it looks like he's snarling or something when really it's just his smile while saying "Cheeeeeeeze!" He's so cute :o)


Alexa really enjoys her "curly" hair so she has been enduring long nights sleeping in her sponge rollers. "No pain, no gain" is our motto :o)